لیستی است از شماری از مقالات و کتاب های منتشره (و یا زیر چاپ) در فاصله حدود ده سال گذشته که به درخواست دوستی گرامی اینجا می گذارم
L’imamat et l’Occultation selon l’imamisme: Etude bibliographique et histoire des textes, Leiden: Brill (Islamic History and Civilization).
Zaydī theology in 7th/13th century Yemen Facsimile edition of Kitāb al-Maḥajja al-bayḍāʾ fī uṣūl al-dīn of ʿAbd Allāh b. Zayd al-ʿAnsī (d. 667/1269) (MS Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. arab. 1286), Facsimile edition with Introduction and Indices. Tehran: Mīrāth-e maktūb & the CNRS, Paris (Classical Muslim Heritage Series; 10) (with S. Schmidtke).
The Religio-Intellectual History of Rayy During the Seljuk Period, Special Issue in Der Islam, eds. H. Ansari, S. Schmidtke, and D. Tor
Miyān-e kalām wa falsafa wa chand pazhūhesh-e dīgar darbāre-ye tārīkh wa adabiyyāt-e kalāmī-e muʿtazelīyān, Tehran, Nashr-e kitāb-e rāyzan.
Tārīkh-i maktab hā wa bāwar hā dar irān wa islām (The history of religious schools and trends in Islam and Iran), Tehran, Našr ye māhī. 3 vols (vol. 1. 2016)
al-Mutabaqqī min kutub mafqūda, Daftar e tablīghāte islāmī, Shoʿbe ye ostān e esfahān, Esfahān, 1395/2016.
Accusations of unbelief in Islam: A diachronic perspective on takfīr, eds. Camilla Adang, Hassan Ansari, Maribel Fierro, Sabine Schmidtke, Leiden: Brill (Islamic History and Civilization).
Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Talkhīṣ al-muḥaṣṣal, Facsimile edition with Introduction. Tehran: Mīrāth-e maktūb & the CNRS, Paris (Classical Muslim Heritage Series; 8).
Az ganjīne hāye nusakh e khattī : muʿarrifī ye dast-neweshtehā yī arzeshmand az ketābkhāne-hā ye bozorg e jahān dar Ḥowze ye ʿulūm e islāmī, vol. 1, Daftar e tablīghāte islāmī, Shoʿbe ye ostān e esfahān, Esfahān, 1394/2015.
Majmūʿa-yi āthār-i imāmiya (Extracts from the ʿUyūn akhbār al-riḍā, Ṣadūq’s Amālī, the Ṣaḥīfat al-riḍā and other Shiʿite Texts), Facsimile edition (with an introduction) of manuscript No. 218 from the collection of codices that were donated to the Majlis library by Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ṭabāṭabāʾī (copied 580 AH/1184 AD), Tehran: Mīrāth-e maktūb & the CNRS, Paris (Classical Muslim Heritage Series; 7).
Sulaymān b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Khurāshī, Kitāb al-Tafṣīl li-jumal al-Taḥṣīl. Facsimile edition of Ms Berlin, Glaser 51. With Introductions and Indices. Tehran: Mīrāth-e maktūb & the Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World, Berlin (Classical Muslim Heritage Series; 3) (with J. Thiele)
The Reception of al-Shaykh al-Tūsī’s Theological Writings in 6th/12th Century Syria. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-Ḥusaynī and his Commentary on al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī’s Muqaddima. Facsimile edition with Introduction and Indices. Tehran: Mīrāth-e maktūb & the Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World, Berlin (Classical Muslim Heritage Series) (with S. Schmidtke).
Legal methodology in 6th/12th century Khwārazm: The Kitāb al-Tajrīd fī uṣūl al-fiqh of Rukn al-Dīn Ibn al-Malāḥimī al-Khwārazmī (d. 536/1141). Facsimile edition of MS Arab e 103 (Bodleian Library, Oxford), with an introduction and indices, Tehran: Markaz-i Dāʾirat al-maʿārif-i buzurg-i islāmī, & the Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World, Freie Universität Berlin (Muslim History and Heritage Series) (with S. Schmidtke).
Barresīhāye tārīḫī dar ḥawze ye islām wa ṭašayyuʿ : maǧmūʿe ye nawad maqāle wa yāddāšt (Historical Studies on Islam and Shīʿism), Tehran, Ketābḫāne, mūze wa markaz e asnād e maǧles e šūrāy e islāmī, 1390s/2012. (Reviewed by Josef Van Ess in Der Islam, Volume 91, Issue 1, May 2014, pp. 161-170.)
Rukn al-Dīn Ibn al-Malāḥimī al-Khwārazmī, Tuḥfat al-mutakallimīn fī l-radd ʿalā l-falāsifa, edition and introduction, Tehran: Iranian Institute of Philosophy & Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin (with W. Madelung).
Khulāṣat al-naẓar (anonymous), edition and introduction, Tehran: Iranian Institute of Philosophy & Institute of Islamic Studies, Free University of Berlin (with S. Schmidtke)
Abū l-Qāsim al-Taymī al-Aṣfahānī, al-Īḍāḥ, Facsimile edition with introduction by H. Ansari, Tehran: Iran University Press.
Studies in Medieval Islamic Intellectual Traditions, Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press (Resources in Arabic and Islamic Studies) (with S. Schmidtke)
Abū ʿAlī al‐Ğubbāʾī, Kitāb al‐maqālāt, ed. H. Ansari, Leiden: Brill
Caliphate and Imamate: Selected Political Works from the Islamic Tradition, Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought, Cambridge University Press (with Nebil Husayn).
Doctrinal History of Imāmī Shīʿism, Leiden: Brill (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society) (with S. Schmidtke).
In press
“Philosophical Theology among sixth/twelfth century Twelver Šīʿites: From Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (alive in 573/1177) to Naṣīr al-Dīn al‐Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274): A Critical Edition of Two Theological Tracts by ʿAbd Allāh Ibn Ḥamza al-maʿrūf bi-Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Preserved in MS Landberg 510 (Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscript Library, Yale University)”, Shii Studies Review, Volume One, Issue One (with S. Schmidtke).
“Al-Ḥusayn b. Ḥamdān al-Khaṣībī and his al-Hidāya al-kubrā: Some remarks on Ḥadīth literature among the Nuṣayrīs” L\'ésotérisme shi\'ite, ses racines et ses prolongements, ed. M. A. Amir-Moezzi and D. de Smet, Bibliothèque de l\'Ecole des Hautes Etudes and The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2016.
“Sunnism in Rayy during the Seljuq period: Sources and observations”, in: The Religio-Intellectual History of Rayy During the Seljuk Period, Special Issue, Der Islam, eds. H. Ansari, S. Schmidtke, D. Tor.
“The Cultural Transfer of Zaydī and non-Zaydī Religious Literature from Northern Iran to Yemen, 12th through 14th Century,” Globalization of Knowledge in the Mediterranean World of Post-Antiquity, ed. S. Brentjes, J. Renn, M. Valleriani and H. Wendt (with S. Schmidtke).
“Bibliographical Practices in Islamic Societies, with an Analysis of MS Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Hs. or. 13525”, Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 4 (2016) (with S. Schmidtke).
“The reception of Muʿtazilism among Shīʿites: Zaydīs,” Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology, ed. S. Schmidtke, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“The reception of Muʿtazilism among Shīʿites: Twelver Shīʿites,” Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology, ed. S. Schmidtke, Oxford: Oxford University Press (with S. Schmidtke).
“Islamic theology(ies) during the later middle and early modern period: Zaydī theology in Yemen,” Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology, ed. S. Schmidtke, Oxford: Oxford University Press (with S. Schmidtke and J. Thiele).
“Perfecting a Religion: Remarks on al-Kulaynī and His Summa of Traditions”, by M. A. Amir-Moezzi and H. Ansari, in: Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi’s The Silent Qurʾan and the Speaking Qurʾan: Scriptural Sources of Islam Between History and Fervor.Translated by Eric Ormsby, Columbia University Press.
“Un texte sur la controverse entre les muʿtazilites et les sunnites concernant un musulman qui commet un grand péché et qui meurt sans avoir repenti composé par ʿAlī b. Nāṣir al-Ǧīlānī al-Lāhiǧānī (probablement un savant de à la fin du viie/xiiie s.),” Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen 20.
“Yūsuf al-Baṣīr’s Rebuttal of Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī in a Yemeni Zaydī Manuscript of the 7th/13th Century,” The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition, ed. D. Hollenberg, Ch. Rauch, S. Schmidtke, Leiden: Brill (Islamic Manuscripts and Books) (with W. Madelung and S. Schmidtke).
“The literary-religious tradition among 7th/13th century Yemeni Zaydīs (II): The case of ʿAbd Allāh b. Zayd al-ʿAnsī (d. 667/1269) ,”The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition, ed. D. Hollenberg, Ch. Rauch, S. Schmidtke, Leiden: Brill (Islamic Manuscripts and Books) (with S. Schmidtke).
“MS Berlin, State Library, Glaser 51: A Unique Manuscript from the Early 7th/13th-Century Bahšamite Milieu in Yemen,”The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition, ed. D. Hollenberg, Ch. Rauch, S. Schmidtke, Leiden: Brill (Islamic Manuscripts and Books) (with J. Thiele).
“The Kitāb al-waṣiyya of ʿĪsā b. al-Mustafād: The history of a text”, Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought, ed. M. Cook, N. Haider, I. A. Rabb and A. Sayeed, Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law, and History, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 67-79.
“Ibn Ḥazm selon certains savants shīʿites”, Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba, The Life and Works of a Controversial Thinker, ed. C. Adang, M. Fierro, S. Schmidtke, Leiden: Brill, pp. 645-663.
“Al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī: His Writings on Theology and Their Reception”, The Study of Shīʿī Islam: The State of the Field, Issues of Methodology and Recent Developments, ed. F. Daftary and G. Miskinzoda, London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 475-497 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Between Aleppo and Ṣaʿda: The Zaydī reception of the Imāmī scholar Ibn al-Biṭrīq al-Ḥillī”, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts (with S. Schmidtke).
“The Muʿtazilī and Zaydī Reception of Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī’s Kitāb al-Muʿtamad fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh: A Bibliographical Note”, Islamic Law and Society 20, pp. 90-109 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Un muḥaddith muʿtazilite zaydite: Abū Saʿd al-Sammān et ses Amālī”, Arabica 59 iii-iv (2012), pp. 267-90.
“Muʿtazilism in Rayy and Astarābād: Abu l-Faḍl al-ʿAbbās b. Sharwīn (Studies on the transmission of knowledge from Iran to Yemen in the 6th/12th and 7th/13th c. II)”, Studia Iranica, 41 (2012), pp. 57-100 (with S. Schmidtke).
“L’héritage ésotérique du chiisme: un livre sur l’exégèse de la sourate 97,” Arabica 58 i-ii, pp. 7–18
“The literary-religious tradition among 7th/13th century Yemenī Zaydīs: The formation of the Imām al-Mahdī li-Dīn Allāh Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn b. al-Qāsim (d. 656/1258),” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 2, pp. 165-222 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Abū Saʿd al-Ḫargūšī and his Kitāb al-Lawāmiʿ: A Ṣūfī Guide Book for Preachers from 4th/10th century Nīšāpūr,” Arabica 58 v-vi, pp. 503-18 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Iranian Zaydism during the 7th/13th century: Abū l-Faḍl b. Shahrdawīr al-Daylamī al-Jīlānī and his commentary on the Qurān,” Journal Asiatique 299 i, pp. 205-11 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Muʿtazilism after ʿAbd al-Jabbār: Abū Rashīd al-Nīsābūrī’s Kitāb Masāʾil al-khilāf fī l-uṣūl (Studies on the transmission of knowledge from Iran to Yemen in the 6th/12th and 7th/13th c. I),” Studia Iranica 39, pp. 227-78 (with S. Schmidtke).
“The Zaydī reception of Ibn Khallād’s Kitāb al-Uṣūl: The taʿlīq of Abū Ṭāhir b. ʿAlī al-Ṣaffār,” Journal asiatique 298, pp. 275-302 (with S. Schmidtke).
“Une version incomplète du Kitâb al-nubuwwa d’al-Sadûq,” Le Shî‘isme imâmite quarante ans après. Hommage à Etan Kohlberg, eds. M.A. Amir-Moezzi, M.M. Bar-Asher, S. Hopkins, Turnhout, pp. 45-9.
“Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb al-Kulaynī (m. 328 ou 329/939-40 ou 940-41) et son Kitāb al-Kāfī: une introduction,” Studia Iranica 38 ii, pp. 191-247 (with M.A. Amir-Moezzi) (also is published in Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi’s Le Coran silencieux et le Coran parlant. Sources scripturaires de l’islam entre histoire et ferveur, CNRS Editions, 266 p.).
“Abū Alī al-Jubbā’ī et son livre al-Maqālāt,” A Common Rationality: Muʿtazilism in Islam and Judaism, ed. C. Adang, D. Sklare, and S. Schmidtke, Würzburg: Ergon, pp. 21-35.
“Al-Barāhīn al-ẓāhira al-jaliyya ʿalā anna l-wujūd zāʾid ʿalā l-māhiyya by Ḥusām al-Dīn Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b. Muḥammad al-Raṣṣās,” A Common Rationality: Muʿtazilism in Islam and Judaism, ed. C. Adang, D. Sklare, and S. Schmidtke, Würzburg: Ergon, pp. 337-348.
“Zaydite Hadith Literature and Thought”, in The Oxford Handbook of Hadith Studies, ed. Mustafa Shah. Oxford University Press.
“The Zaydis”, in Brill Handbook of Islamic Movements, ed. James R. Lewis & Afzal Upal, Brill
“The history of the ḥawza and its teaching program in philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and medicine”, in Routledge Handbook of Scientific Practices in Islamicate Societie, ed. Sonja Brentjes, Routledge.
“The letters of al-Hamadhānī”, in a special issue dedicated to the history, circulation and literary interpretation of the maqāma genre in the Islamicate world, edited by Jonathan Decter and Maurice Pomerantz, of the journal Intellectual History of the Islamicate World, general editor: Sabine Schmidtke. Volume 7.1.
III.1. Entries in the Encyclopaedia Islamica (Leiden: Brill, eds. Farhad Daftary and Wilferd Madelung; see also http://www.brill.com/publications/online-resources/encyclopaedia-islamica-online):
1. Abū al-Jaysh al-Balkhī
2. Abū Sahl al-Nawbakhtī
3. Abū al-Khaṭṭāb
4. Abū Manṣūr al-ʿIjlī
5. Aḥmad b. ʿĪsā b. Zayd
6. Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. ʿĪsā
7. Al-Ahwāzī, Abū al-Ḥasan
8. Abū Yaʿlā al-Jaʿfarī
9. Abū Hāshim
10. Abū Nuʿaym al-Iṣfahānī
11. Abū al-Qāsim al-Taymī
12. Abū Yūsuf al-Qazwīnī
13. Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal
14. Bazīghiyya
15. al-Bāqillānī, Abū Bakr
III.2. Entries in the Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, Leiden: Brill [forthcoming]:
1. Abū ʿAbdallāh al-ʿAlawī
2. Abū Ṭālib al-Hārūnī
3. Abū Zayd al-ʿAlawī
4. Al-Ahwāzī, Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan b. Ibrāhīm
5. Al-Ḥimmaṣī Maḥūud b. ʿAlī b. Maḥmūd
6. Al-Ḥimmaṣī, Sadīd al-Dīn
7. Ibn Bābawayh
8. Al-Muʾayyad billāh
III.3. Entries in the Encyclopaedia Iranica (Columbia University) [forthcoming]:
1. Bāqllāni i. Life and Works
2. Ebn al-Mašhadi.
3. Šams-al-Din Esfahāni
4. Ebn Joḥām
5. Qawām al-Sonna
6. Rokn-al-Din Jorjāni
7. Moḥammad b. ʿAli al-Javād
8. Mo\'ayyad fi\'l-din Širāzi
9. Khayyam, Life, Works and his Philosophy
10. Mahdi, the 12th Shiite imam (his life and occultation, gayba; his representatives during the gayba; his designation as the last imam by Twelver Shiite religious authorities; etc.; bibliography).
چهارشنبه ۲۵ اسفند ۱۳۹۵ ساعت ۷:۲۶
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۲) از انتشار نظراتی که فاقد محتوا بوده و صرفا انعکاس واکنشهای احساسی باشد جلوگیری خواهد شد .
۳) لطفا جهت بوجود نیامدن مسائل حقوقی از نوشتن نام مسئولین و شخصیت ها تحت هر شرایطی خودداری نمائید .
۴) لطفا از نوشتن نظرات خود به صورت حروف لاتین (فینگلیش) خودداری نمایید .